Thursday, March 20, 2008

"Thinking Long And Hard"

Being a bit of a self-proclaimed nerd, (I'm in IB stuff.. there's no denying it) I tend to think about stuff. A lot. Sometimes wayyyy too much. And i've begun to realize that overthinking really complicates things. Honestly. Every time I do something, or have some sort of opportunity.. I think it over, and think, and think, and think, and think, and grab a sandwich, then think some more, and by the time i've finally planned a course of action, whatever opportunity I might've had is now completely gone. I've just lately begun to realize, that thinking over something long and hard is not always the best course of action. Sometimes being spontaneous and just doing or saying the first thing that comes to mind is best. Now, there is obviously a time and place to to think things through.. but the tough part is finding a balance between planning and spontaneity.

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